Sunday, September 9, 2012


We are struggling to get our blog going, but we do have one picture from the MTC map to post for today. Its tradition to have your picture taken here. We probably had the record as the shorest time spent at the mtc. We came in on Aug 27th and flew out on Aug 31.
 One of those days was spent with Brett and Cat having their 3rd child on 29th. Little Emilie Anna. She is so cute! We were so glad we were able to be there when she was born, and spend time with them before we flew out.
These are our good friends Grant and Terry Whitesides. We are both serving in Cameroon about 4 hours apart. We are in Douala and they are in Younde. We hope to be able to get together occasionally and have some companionship. We talk to them on Skype and the phone. They are as lost as we are.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love this picture!! You two look so cute with your missionary tags :) I am glad you had time to get a picture at "the map".
